19-20 September 2024, Milan, Italy
Remote Sensing of Forest Fires:
Lessons learned and future challenges
under a changing climate

The 13th EARSeL Forest Fires Special Interest Group Workshop

Wildfires are attracting significant attention from both the public and the local managers for their increasing impacts on the biosphere. In the recent years, we have witnessed a large number of extreme fire events all around the globe: Hawaii, California, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, that have significant impacts on both the environment and humans.
The EARSeL Forest Fires Special Interest Group (FF SIG) was created in 1995 and fosters interaction among scientists and managers who are interested in using remotely sensed data and techniques to improve the traditional methods for fire monitoring.
The Special Interest Group is chaired by Dr. Daniela Stroppiana from the Italian National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR), Italy, who welcomes scientists, researchers, managers, experts, sponsors interested in the thematic field of fires to the FF SIG Workshop.

Conference overview
The Forest Fire workshop is a bi-annual appointment that gathers together scientists and managers in the field of wildfire monitoring and specifically addressing the use of Earth Observation data.
The workshop is organized over two days with plenary oral and poster sessions. Contributions in either of the two forms are more than welcome. All submitted abstracts will undergo revision by the scientific committee.
Workshop topics
Earth Observation (EO) regional and global algorithms and products
Multi-scale and multi-sensor approach for fire monitoring and mapping
Integration of SAR & Optical data
Burned areas, active fires, fire radiative power, burn severity
Fire risk, fire danger
Modelling and assessment of fire and climate relationship (impacts on the atmosphere, fire emissions, impacts of climate change on fire regimes, fuel consumption)
Modelling and monitoring fuel characteristics and conditions
Post-fire monitoring of vegetation regrowth and vegetation regeneration
Validation and accuracy assessment of EO products

Organizing committee
Local organizer is the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment of the Italian National Research Council (IREA CNR), the University of Idaho (Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences) and the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) in collaboration with the CNR’s Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA CNR).
- European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)
- Daniela Stroppiana (CNR IREA, Italy)
- Pietro Alessandro Brivio (CNR IREA, Italy)
- Gloria Bordogna (CNR IREA, Italy)
- Mirco Boschetti (CNR IREA, Italy)
- Paola Carrara (CNR IREA, Italy)
- Simone Lella (CNR IREA, Italy)
- Luigi Boschetti (University of Idaho, USA)
- Rosa Lasaponara (CNR IMAA, Italy)
- Nicola Afflitto (CNR IMAA, Italy)

Scientific committee
An international group of experts in remote sensing of wildfires will be available as part of the scientific committee of the workshop.
- Clément Albergel (ESA, UK)
- Vincent G. Ambrosia (California State University – Monterey Bay, USA)
- Bachisio Arca (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Valentina Bacciu (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Valeria Belloni (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
- Enrico Borgogno Mondino (University of Turin, Italy)
- Gloria Bordogna (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Luigi Boschetti (University of Idaho, USA)
- Mirco Boschetti (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Pietro Alessandro Brivio (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Paola Carrara (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Pietro Ceccato (EC Joint Research Centre, Italy)
- David Chaparro (CREAF, Spain)
- Emilio Chuvieco (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
- Roberto Colombo (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
- Mattia Crespi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
- Federico Fierli ( EUMETSAT, Germany)
- Federico Filipponi (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Davide Fornacca (Dali University, China)
- Magi Franquesa (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científcas, Spain)
- Ioannis Gitas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Amin Khairoun (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
- Nikos Koutsias (University of Patras, Greece)
- Andrea Nascetti (KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden)
- Patricia Oliva (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
- Duarte Oom (EC Joint Research Centre, Italy)
- Grazia Pellizzaro (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Antonio Pepe (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Nemesio Jose Rodriguez-Fernandez (CNRS, France)
- Jesus San-Miguel-Ayanz (EC Joint Research Centre, Italy)
- Michele Salis (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Daniela Stroppiana (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- João Neves Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Erika Cristina Solano Romero (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
- Kevin Tansey (University of Leicester, UK)
- Paolo Villa (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Debora Voltolina (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)
- Marta Yebra (Australian National University, Australia)
Abstract submission
Abstracts shall be submitted via the online conference system ConfTool between 1st February to 31st March 2024.
Step 1: You create your user account without payment, or you re-use your former user account from another EARSeL event. Then you can proceed with the abstract submission.
Following the reviewing phase, go to:
Step 2 (not yet possible): Complete your registration as a participant, which forms an order liable to pay costs. Following registration, your personal invoice is available for download and printing.
During the abstract submission process, you will be asked to select topic(s). Then the presentation format needs to be chosen, and all authors, titles, and at least one keyword (up to five keywords possible) must be entered. The abstract text is to be directly filled into the abstract template. The filled template needs to be uploaded!
We are looking forward to your abstracts! Please be aware that the number of submissions is limited to two (2) per submitting author (a single author can submit maximum two abstracts, but she/he can be co-author of contributions submitted by other authors)
All accepted contributions of registered authors will be published in a digital book of abstracts before the workshop (early September 2024). For further information please contact Gloria Bordogna (bordogna.g@irea.cnr.it). For publication in the digital book of abstracts author registration must be done before early registration deadline 15 July 2024.
Authors registration
Registration to the Workshop should be done with the conference management system ConfTool (follow the link).
Access as registered user with user name and password (Registered users) or create user account (Register new)
Complete registration as a workshop participant, which leads to an order liable to pay costs (an invoice is available for download and printing).
Workshop registration will close on September 9, 2024. If you need to register later please contact EARSeL Office: secretariat@earsel.org
Early registration fees (by 15 July 2024) | |
Non-members EARSeL € 390 | |
Members EARSeL € 280 | |
Y.Sc. (<32 years old) non-members EARSeL € 200 | |
Y.Sc. (<32 years old) Members EARSeL € 150 | |
Full registration fees (after 15 July 2024) | |
Non-members EARSeL € 495 | |
Members EARSeL € 340 | |
Y.Sc. (<32 years old) non-members EARSeL € 280 | |
Y.Sc. (<32 years old) members EARSeL € 210 | |
Dinner social event (19 September 2024) | |
Participants/Accompanying person € 55 | |
Y.Sc. (<32 years old) € 30 |
Registration fee does not include dinner social event (to be paid separately)
Registration fee includes: coffee breaks, lunch catering, wifi connection
European Journal of Remote Sensing special collection
Authors whose work has been selected for an Oral or Poster presentation are encouraged to submit an article to the European Journal of Remote Sensing (EuJRS). EuJRS is an Open Access and international peer-reviewed academic journal (SCIE with a 2022 impact factor of 4.0). It is published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Italian Association of Remote Sensing (AIT). Full paper submissions will be considered for publication in a Special Collection entitled ‘Remote Sensing of Forest Fires: Lessons learned and future challenges under a changing climate’.
Thanks to the agreement signed between EARSeL and Taylor&Francis, participants of the 13th EARSeL SIG Workshop on Forest Fires will be entitled to a discount of 65% on the standard article publishing charge (APC). APC will be 420 € (the rest being covered by EARSeL) that will have to be paid by authors as soon as the paper has been accepted by Taylor&Francis and before publication.
The discount code for the APC can be obtained from the EARSeL Head Office (secretariat@earsel.org) after the Workshop.
Deadline for article submission: 15 April 2025
How to Submit your Manuscript
Papers should be submitted online to the European Journal of Remote Sensing’s Submission Portal. Authors should follow the Instructions for Authors providing guidelines on paper formatting and submission procedure. Please choose Research or Review article in the first page. In the next page please select that the paper is for a Special Issue/Article Collection and from the drop-down menu choose ‘Remote Sensing of Forest Fires: Lessons learned and future challenges under a changing climate’.
We look forward to your contributions. Please do not hesitate to contact the Guest Editors and Patrizia Rossi, administrator of EuJRS, for questions regarding submission portal (patrizia.rossi@unifi.it).

Guest Editors:
Dr. Daniela Stroppiana (CNR IREA, Italy)
Dr. Pietro Alessandro Brivio (CNR IREA, Italy)
Dr. Luigi Boschetti (University of Idaho, USA)
Dr. Federico Filipponi (CNR IGAG, Italy)
Workshop program
Workshop will be organized with keynote speakers, oral presentations and a poster session.
Six oral sessions are foreseen:
– Oral Session 1.1 (19/09/2024, 11:00-12.30): Active fire and burned area products (chairperson Kevin Tansey)
– Oral Session 1.2 (19/09/2024, 14:00-15.30): Fuel type and characteristics mapping and modelling (chairperson David Roy)
– Oral Session 1.3 (19/09/2024, 16:30-18.00): Multi-source data and algorithms (chairperson Elena Aragoneses)
– Oral Session 2.1 (20/09/2024, 9:30-11.00): Validation (chairperson Duarte Pedro Oom)
– Oral Session 2.2 (20/09/2024, 11:30-13.00): Regional applications (chairperson Marta Yebra)
– Oral Session 2.3 (20/09/2024, 14:00-15.30): Operational systems and services (chairperson Luigi Boschetti)
Keynote speaker (Thursday, 19/Sept/2024)
” Toward Long-Term Global Fire Data Sets: Early Satellite-Based Fire Remote Sensing in the Age of the Beatles “
Louis Giglio (University of Maryland, USA)
Research Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland. Research interests include remote sensing of active fires and burned area, global fire emissions, and satellite direct broadcast applications.
Keynote speaker (Friday, 20/Sept/2024)
” The new Fire Atlas of Portugal “
José M.C. Pereira (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Full Professor at the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, and Land, of the School of Agriculture (ISA), University of Lisbon, where he teaches fire ecology and management, and environmental remote sensing. He leads the Forest Research Centre. Research interests: pyrogeography, remote sensing of fire, fire risk mapping, and anthropogenic vegetation burning.
Download workshop agenda (here)

Guidelines for authors and presenters
Oral contributions: the duration of each presentation is approximately 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions. Presentation format: PDF, Power Point. Presentation files can be uploaded early in the morning or during lunch breaks in the main Auditorium room.
Poster contributions: poster will be displayed all together in the EXPO room for two days.
Each poster is allocated a board with space up to A0 format (vertical layout) (max board space width 90 cm x height 150 cm). Height is considered for the full panel from top to bottom. Scotch tape will be available. No on site printing will be available but shops close by offer this possibility (within 24 hours), please contact us in case you need to print the poster in Milan. No template is foreseen for posters and presentations.
Authors are encouraged to be at the poster during session breaks to offer the opportunity of a dedicated discussion with interest participants.

Workshop venue
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Area Territoriale della Ricerca Milano 1
Via Alfonso Corti 12, 20133, Milan, Italy

Workshop dinner
All participants are invited to register to the workshop dinner that will be organized on Thursday 19th, 2024.
We will visit the beautiful city of Monza and have dinner together in the historical city centre.
Dinner venue: ristorante SPALTODIECI, Monza (Via Spalto Santa Maddalena, 10/C, 20900 Monza MB).
We will leave directly from the workshop venue at the end of the afternoon session (6 pm). Transportation will be organized by private bus.
Returning time to Milan will be approximately at 11.00/11.30 pm. On the way back to Milan, the bus will stop both close to the city centre and to CNR (Milano Lambrate).

The Duomo and its square were the centre of the religious and political life in Monza: the ancient town developed around its primary core, probably the “oraculum” founded by the Queen Teodolinda in the 6th century. ‘Il Duomo’, dedicated to San Giovanni Battista (John the Baptist), is the town’s most important monument.

Built between 1777 and 1780 and designed by Piermarini, in its rooms the Royal Palace
has welcomed the Habsburgs, Napoleon and the Savoy royal family.
Wonderful example of neoclassical architecture, finally restored and opened to the public.
Green EARSeL
Welcome to the EARSeL Forest Fires Special Interest Group workshop in Milan. We all agree that it is a great opportunity to have in-person attendance, to gather, socialize and share knowledge and experience face-to-face. Our scientific community can greatly benefit from in-person networking especially for young attendees and scientists.
However, we have to be aware of the potential carbon footprint that an in-person meeting could generate and minimize it with an environmentally friendly behaviour. During this workshop, we’ll minimize our footprint with regard to travel to and within Milan, accommodation, catering, venue, information media, badges, signage, printed programs, welcome bags, and other items or activities. We are all committed in our work to protect the environment and our workshop will be a further opportunity to show it.
Sustainable science: minimizing carbon footprint at our scientific workshop!
We encourage participants to make personal commitments to lower their carbon footprints. Let’s take small steps towards sustainability to ensure a greener future. Our goal is to make our scientific workshop a shining example of environmental awareness.

Sustainable Transportation
- Travel: We encourage participants to travel by train to Milan whenever possible
- Public Transport: Milan presents a public transportation network consisting of buses, metros, and trams that we can use during the workshop
- Walking could be a transportation options to explore the city
- Car: If you can’t avoid travelling by car, consider offering a lift
- We will use reusable and/or compostable cups and encourage participants to bring their own multi-use coffee mugs for their coffee(s) to go
- We will make use of local caterers for lunch and coffee breaks. Food served at the venue will include vegetarian options, be mostly seasonal, and, wherever possible, come from regional sources
- We base our decisions for catering partners also on their efforts to reduce packaging waste to a minimum
Workshop material
- We will provide most programs and resources through digital materials
- Name badges will consist of 100% FSC or recycled paper, printed with water colours
- There will be no welcome gift bags, sorry!
We are committed to energy conservation and use green energy sources whenever possible, we are committed to monitoring and managing energy consumption throughout the workshop to promote efficient resource use

Gold sponsorship
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world (video link).
ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country.
Silver sponsorship
Bronze sponsorship
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact Gloria Bordogna (bordogna.g@irea.cnr.it) of the Organizing Committee
Workshop chair person and local organizer: Dr. Daniela Stroppiana: stroppiana.d@irea.cnr.it
EARSeL Head Office: secretariat@earsel.org